Survey Schema
Understanding the Survey Schema
The Basics
The schema for surveys provide a clear and consitent structure for all surveys. It includes all necessary items to run the survey. The following is the schema for o-RDS surveys:
Field | Type | Description | Default Value |
id | String | The unique ID for the survey | A unique string generated using uuidv4 |
title | String | The title of a survey | ”Untitled Survey” |
admins | List of Strings | A list of emails of the persons who have access to the survey | [] |
live | Boolean | The current publication state of the survey | false |
completionPayout | Number | The amount that is paid out for a participant who completes the survey | 0.0 |
refPayout | Number | The amount paid out to a participant who successfully referred another participant | 0.0 |
maxRefs | Number | The maximum amount of successful referrals a participant can make | 0 |
maxRefIncentives | Number | The maximum amount of times a participant can be paid for successful referrals | 0 |
lastUpdated | Date Object | The date of the last time the survey was updated | {} |
researcherMessage | String | The message for a researcher to provide as thanks | "" |
endSurveyMessage | String | The message presented at the end of the survey | ”Thank you for taking our survey” |
informedConsent | Object | The informed consent message and requirements | {message: “You must consent to this survey”, consentRequirements: ""} |
contactInfo | Object | Contact information for use in live surveys | {phone: "", email: "", mail: ""} |
questionOrder | List of Strings | Provides the survey with an order for each of the questions | [""] |
questions | Object | Contains all questions and their individual configurations | Refer to here for more information on the structure of questions |