API Reference
Administrator Authentication
- Register an admin for o-RDS
Response Code | Description |
201 | User Created |
400 | Missing Fields |
409 | User Already Created |
500 | Internal Server Error |
- Login to o-RDS
Response Code | Description |
200 | Login Successful |
404 | Email and password combination invalid |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Survey Routes
- Retrieve a survey configuration
API Parameters
surveyID - The unique identifier for a survey ID
Response Code | Description |
200 | Survey Retrieved |
404 | Survey Doesn’t Exist |
500 | Internal Server Error |
- Retrieve all surveys
Response Code | Message |
200 | Surveys Found |
403 | Unauthorized Access |
404 | User does not exist |
- Update or create a survey with the provided ID
API Parameters
surveyID - The unique identifier for a survey ID
Required Body Fields
surveyData - Contains the survey configuration object
Response Code | Message |
201 | Survey created or overwritten |
403 | Unauthorized Access |
500 | Internal server error |
- Delete a survey with the provided ID
API Parameters
surveyID - The unique identifier for a survey ID
Response Code | Message |
200 | Survey Deleted |
403 | Unauthorized Access |
404 | Survey does not exist |
500 | Internal server error |
Response Routes
- Retrieves the response of a specific person
API Parameters
surveyID - The unique identifier for a survey ID
alias - A survey takers unique, nonidentifiable number
Response Code | Message |
200 | Response found |
404 | Response doesn’t exist |
500 | Internal server error |
- Retrieves all responses for a survey
API Parameters
surveyID - The unique identifier for a survey ID
Response Code | Message |
200 | Responses found |
403 | Unauthorized Access |
404 | Survey doesn’t exist |
500 | Internal server error |
- Creates a survey response
Required Body Fields
surveyID - Contains the ID of a survey
alias - Contains the alias associated with the response
responseData - Contains a particpants responses
parentHash - Contains the hash of the parent to track referral chains
Response Code | Message |
200 | Responses found |
201 | Response created or overwritten |
403 | Unauthorized Access |
404 | Survey or alias does not exist |
409 | Referral link at max uses |
500 | Internal server error |
- Deletes a response
Incentive Routes
- Creates a hash to represent a paricpant for use in referral incentives
Required Body Fields
surveyID - Contains the ID of a survey
Response Code | Message |
201 | Hash Created |
400 | Invalid request, missing surveyID |
409 | No incentive found |
500 | Internal server error |
- Retrieve incentive information using a hash representing a particpant’s incentives
Response Code | Message |
200 | Incentive information found |
400 | Invalid request, missing surveyID |
404 | Hash does not exist |
500 | Internal server error |
Other Routes
- Creates an alias for a specific survey using the surveyID
Required Body Fields
surveyID - Contains the ID of a survey
Response Code | Message |
201 | Alias created |
400 | Invalid request, missing surveyID |
500 | Internal server error |
- Removes a user from a survey
Required Body Fields
surveyID - Contains the ID of a survey
userID - Contains the ID of the user to be removed from a survey
Response Code | Message |
400 | Invalid request, missing surveyID or email |
404 | User or survey does not exist |
500 | Internal server error |
- Adds a user to a survey
Required Body Fields
surveyID - Contains the ID of a survey
userID - Contains the ID of the user to be removed from a survey
Response Code | Message |
400 | Invalid request, missing surveyID or email |
404 | User or survey does not exist |
500 | Internal server error |
Tremendous Routes
- Retrieves all campaigns associated with the users account
Response Code | Message |
200 | Campaigns Found |
500 | Internal server error |
- Retreives all funding sources associated with the users account
Response Code | Message |
200 | Funding Sources Found |
500 | Internal server error |
- Sends a payment using Tremendous’ API with the provided method
API Parameters
surveyID - Contains the ID of a survey
mode - The method in which someone like to recieve their incentive
Required Body Fields
funding_source_id - Contains the id of the funding source used for this incentive payout
campaign_id - Contains the id of the campaign Tremendous will use to send the incentive payout
denomination - Contains the amount that will be paid out
recipient - An object that contains a recipient’s name and email
method - Contains the method in which a recipient will recieve their payout
Response Code | Message |
200 | Reward paid |
400 | Invalid mode |
400 | Unable to claim reward |
500 | Internal server error |
Twilio Routes
- Verifies a phone number is real
Required Body Fields
to - Contains a particpant’s phone number and sends their OTP code
Response Code | Message |
200 | Survey taker registered successfully. Verification code has been sent. |
400 | Invalid phone number |
500 | Internal server error |
- Verifies a participant’s OTP code
Required Body Fields
to - Contains a particpant’s phone number
code - Contains the code entered by a participant
Response Code | Message |
200 | Survey taker verification successful |
401 | Invalid code |
404 | Survey taker not found |
500 | Internal server error |