The admin dashboard
The Admin Dashboard
The admin dashboard gives a quick overview of your current surveys. Once you login to the application, you will be greeted by a list of created surveys. If you have not created a survey, you can click the Create Survey
button in the top right of your screen.
The Survey Tiles
The survey tiles shown upon loading the admin dashboard contain the survey name, its publication status, and the option to edit or view the results of the survey. Clicking the edit button will bring up the survey builder for that survey. Clicking on the tile itself will take you to the results for the survey. You can change how many surveys are displayed on a page by selecting from 5, 10, or 25 at the top of the page.
The Results page
The results page contains the all results from anyone who took your survey. o-RDS provides a built in method of viewing results, but it is recommended to download your results as a CSV and use the software of your choice to analyze the results.